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Postgraduate Diploma in Creative PracticThe Open Window’s Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Practice is offered at NQF level 8 and consists of 120 credits in total. The degree’s methodology is practice-led and practice-focused and comprises both practical and t
About - Open Window - Institute for Creative Arts TechnologiesAbout - It is the vision of Open Window to be a leader and trendsetter in the education sector of South Africa and internationally by achieving product excellence through academic rigour and industry relevance.
Open Window - Institute for Creative Arts TechnologiesPrivate Higher Education offering Postgraduate,Degree and Higher Certificate qualifications in creative fields.
Yearbook - Open Window Institute for Arts and Digital Sciences
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication degreeBachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication degree is offered at an NQF level 8 and consists of 120 credits. The duration of this programme is one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. The program
Postgraduate Qualifications - Open WindowOpen Window students can choose one of two Postgraduate qualifications.
Qualifications - Open Window Institute for Arts and Digital SciencesQStudents can choose from one of three degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Bachelor of Interaction Design Bachelor of Film Arts We also offer a postgraduate degree: Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communi
OW Academic Staff - Open Window
Yearbook - Open Window Institute for Arts and Digital Sciences
8 Must-Have Word Add-ins to take Your Documentation to the Next LevelHere are the top eight Word add-ins for writing professional-grade content and taking your documentation to the next level. Read more to discover how they can change the way you generate documents.
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